Marcus Williams and Francis Ackerman Jr. both have a talent for hurting people. Marcus, a former New York City homicide detective, uses his abilities to protect others, while...
Ben Hartman is on holiday in Switzerland when he meets one of his oldest childhood friends - who promptly tries to murder him. Hartman has no choice but to kill his attacker in...
A severed hand is found in an alleyway in Boston's Chinatown. Detective Jane Rizzoli discovers the rest of the body on a nearby rooftop, the head nearly...
SOON THE FIRST SNOW WILL COME. A young boy wakes to find his mother missing. Their house is empty but outside in the garden he sees his mother's favourite scarf - wrapped around...
The Store doesn't just want your money – it wants your soul.
Imagine a future of unparalleled convenience. A powerful retailer, The Store, can deliver anything to your door,...
Michael was in a hurry. He was scrambling up the ladder at Drake and Sweeney, a giant Washington law firm. He was a rising star, with no time to waste, no time to toss a few...
Troy Phelen is a self-made billionaire, one of the richest men in the United States. He is also eccentric, reclusive, confined to a wheelchair, and looking for a way to die....
A woman is found murdered after an internet date. The marks left on her body show the police that they are dealing with a particularly...
Moscow - a city under siege by hardcore Communists threatening to plunge the country back into Stalinist darkness. Into the heart of the firestorm, American ambassador Stephen...
The day begins like any other Saturday – a shower, coffee, breakfast. But suddenly, all hell breaks loose in the town of Promise Falls. People are dying in the street - the...
The Irish Peace Process is about to be blown sky-high and the fates of two governments hang in the balance, as the crack team of The President's Daughter is reunited in this...
THE YEAR IS 1793, STOCKHOLM. King Gustav of Sweden has been assassinated, years of foreign wars have emptied the treasuries, and the realm is governed by a self-interested...