Orphan sahib and bazaar-boy Kim lives by his wits. His chameleon's talent for disguise draws him into British intelligence in India, a mission to thwart foreign agents on the...
July 1209: in Carcassinne a seventeen-year-old gilr is given a mysterious book by her father witch he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alais cannot...
Two novels in one book.
Land of Fire: 1982: The Falklands War. Young SAS trooper, Mike Hood, risks his life to capture an Argentine girl spy. Twenty years on, an Argentine...
When Jane is caught in a deadly love triangle between rival spies Ellis and Jean-Pierre, she becomes entangled in a web of lust, hatred and deception, which sweeps all three of...
But no one could have been prepared for the man she admits one quiet night to the Springer Hospital. Delirious and in critical condition, he barely responds to treatment. And...
ONE SINGLE ACT OF KINDNESS BECOMES AN ENDLESS REIGN OF TERROR...Tom Bryce did what any decent person would do. But within hours of picking up the CD that had been left behind on...
The British underworld is controlled by gangs. When two of them start a turf war, violence explodes on to the streets.
The police need information fast, and James Adams has...
There are weird names all over the country. Why single out Mother's Rest, in a nation with towns called Why and Whynot, and Accident and Peculiar, and Santa Claus and No Name?...
New York's Hamptons are the summer playground for Wall Street big shots, Hollywood starlets, and all species of glitterati in between. But when a Middle Eastern man rigged with...
They were looking for a miracle cure...
Sara and Michael. The ideal celebrity couple, darlings of the media - until their lives are shattered by a mystery illness.
Dr Harvey...
Hitler is determined to start a war. Chamberlain is desperate to preserve the peace. They will meet in a city which forever afterwards will be known for what is about to take...
Drop-out military cop Jack Reacher has hitch-hiked his way to Virginia. His destination, the closest thing to a home he ever had: the headquarters of his old unit, the 110th...