A woman with magnetic powers named Repulse almost kills Aura (from Superboy and the Ravers). Meanwhile, Superman rescues a small village in Africa from raiders and then brings...
The Authoriteens tell Gen 13 that they shouldn't exist and they need to step into the "Suicide Box" and they tell the "Liberty Snots" to go home. Dr. Grace tells Megan that they...
Gen 13's jeep runs out of gas and they walk to an outlet mall. Freefall decides to steal them some snacks and they have to flee two local cops. "The Authority" confront Gen 13...
Sonja battles Dark Annisia and her demon hordes to protect her city. Sonja surrenders to Annisia to spare her people and is banished to walk until she dies of the plague.
Although vastly outnumbered in the battle between the Six and the Society, the Six get help from various sources: Solomon Grundy, who Ragdoll convinces to aid the Six; Knockout,...