Bruce Gordon is tracking something. Captain Marvel is warned by Shazam that the end is coming. Several people are killing themselves, with anger involved. Superman gets involved...
Time jumps around, but in the present Superman's landlady Mrs. Nyxly tells Superman about Lord Vyndktvx and Mxyzptlk. In the future, Superman is being hunted on a world with a...
Clark goes out during the busy Christmas shopping time to get a gift for Lois. But he finds Etrigan the Demon posing as a department store Santa. La Encantadora tries to help.
One of every thousand Americans is getting superpowers of some kind -- powers most of them cannot control. No one knows the cause. Superman tries to manage this new threat.
A woman with magnetic powers named Repulse almost kills Aura (from Superboy and the Ravers). Meanwhile, Superman rescues a small village in Africa from raiders and then brings...
Aquaman and Ocean Master fight, while the JLA tries to stop the Atlantean armies (who are actually being manipulated by Ocean Master) from destroying Cerdia.
Aquaman talks a mob out of violence, then helps Tempest to free his son from Ocean Master.