A woman with magnetic powers named Repulse almost kills Aura (from Superboy and the Ravers). Meanwhile, Superman rescues a small village in Africa from raiders and then brings...
Having created what he considers to be the ideal world for his heroes, Mickey Mxyzptlk is determined to keep the heroes from leaving and returning to the real world, leading to...
The Nebula Man, who has been re-energizing in Wing's corpse ever since he was defeated by the combined JLA and JSA years ago, seeks out all the cosmic energy on Earth, starting...
Superboy moves to Hawaii with Dubbilex, Rex and Roxy Leech. Superboy vs. Sidearm
A group of Titans investigates a local hospital for clues on the location of Raven.
Though worshipers sacrifice themselves for Darkseid, he fails to stir, so his servants declare that the New God needs more sacrifices. Elsewhere, the Legion investigates another...
Unbeknowst to Livewire, Cosmic Boy sent the Legion Espionage Squad with him, and they free all the hostages. Meanwhile, the rest of the Legionnaires arrive on Amshana and face...
The Optitron corporation wants to bankroll both the Titans and Young Justice as a tax write-off. The meeting is interrupted when a mysterious blue-skinned cybernetic organism...
Donna Troy keeps the rampaging Superman robot from hurting anyone else at the cost of her own life. Her death leaves both teams unwilling to continue.