The alternate Dr. Strange turns Moonstone into a duplicate of Captain Marvel, then sends her out with Skaar to battle Ben Grimm, who is the custodian of the creatures of Monster...
After taking the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme from Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo is attacked by Doctor Doom who wants the Eye of Agamotto.
The Hulk is being controlled by Loki and the Marvel Next heroes find they can't bring him down. Spider-Girl and Cap show up with Thor who promptly joins the battle. With little...
Eric Masterson travels to Mephisto's realm, with the help of Dr. Strange and the Silver Surfer, to retrieve Thor's hammer.
Thor seeks Dr. Strange's help to repair his broken hammer, then finally finds Sif and restores her to her body. Meanwhile, the Asgardians adjust to life in Latveria, but Dr....