Aquaman investigates a deep trench with the Sea Devils, until a monster arrives and takes Deep Blue down into it. Aquaman descends, and finds his old foe, Black Manta.
Mera, insane with grief over the loss of her baby, attacks Aquaman. She is apparently killed.
Flash defeats Frost and his illusions. Linda contacts Argus to investigate a plot against Flash.
While Jesse Quick keeps Bart busy, Max and Iris throw him a surprise birthday party.
After the first three Legionnaires are presented to the assembled United Planets, several more members are drafted into service.
Huntress helps Robin out of a jam with Deathangel but he escapes. Later, Robin and Huntress, and secretly Deathangel, track Mandy to the local landfill where she is in the...
The Nebula Man, who has been re-energizing in Wing's corpse ever since he was defeated by the combined JLA and JSA years ago, seeks out all the cosmic energy on Earth, starting...
Superboy moves to Hawaii with Dubbilex, Rex and Roxy Leech. Superboy vs. Sidearm