A young man named Arthur Curry recalls his water-breathing childhood and learning to breate air. He encounters the Dweller in the Depths, who prophesies a familiar future which...
The Dweller takes Arthur to meet Mera, the queen of Atlantis who now leads a band of refugees from the ravaged city.
Arthur begins to resent the legend of Aquaman which is following him around. He and King Shark follow a beacon to Windward Home, a floating city built by WW II hero Jimmy Lockhart.
Arthur confers with the ghost of Vulko, who came to Windward Home after the destruction of Atlantis. Arthur later learns that his father is dead, and leaves Windward Home with...
Arthur and his allies help Mera's tribe fight off a gang of slavers sent by the Ocean Master. In a hand-to-hand fight, the Ocean Master delivers a deadly blow to Arthur.
Sister Peace recalls how she and Clytemnestra came to the Solicitine Abbey.
Cinderella is sent on a mission to Dubai to investigate magical arms trafficking. Her assistant, Crispin Cordwainer, is left in charge of her shoe shop.
Kent Nelson returns to New York to see the changes that Inza has made as Dr. Fate and he does not approve.
When Inza goes missing, Kent forces Shat-Ru into helping him turn into Doctor Fate to rescue Dorothea and then go to find Inza.
Inza uses the power of all the people in the world to stop a Lord of Chaos.