Aquaman investigates a deep trench with the Sea Devils, until a monster arrives and takes Deep Blue down into it. Aquaman descends, and finds his old foe, Black Manta.
Moira and Wolfsbane quarantine themselves in order to study the Legacy Virus.
Flash defeats Frost and his illusions. Linda contacts Argus to investigate a plot against Flash.
Nick and Laura are hired to hunt down the Loothka, the genetically-altered half of a paratwa.
Sasha Martens and Wiley Wolverton, the new Hawk and Dove, come from opposite sides of the track. Will they be able to work together?
While trapped in the past Rain, Ben and Traci become caught up in a plot to kill President Roosevelt. Rain also learns that the House of Secrets existed in the past, though some...
While Jesse Quick keeps Bart busy, Max and Iris throw him a surprise birthday party.