The Advance Man comes to earth and causes chaos for his client named Plura. Watching the Justice League in action, he decides they need to be eliminated as a team. Later, he...
In honor of Marvel's 80th anniversary, legendary creators return to the webbed world of the Amazing Spider-Man! Decades ago, before the symbiote suit, fan Randy Schueller...
Batman is captured by Quiz, a protege of the Riddler. Batman convinces them to let him free so that he can deal with the Scarecrow, who was trying to double-cross the Riddler,...
Bruce Wayne outbids the Penguin for an antique box at an auction, and the contents of the box lead to Batman investigating a string of killings that occurred over a hundred...
Luthor has made his way to Gotham city to secure some favors from Bruce Wayne. It seems that a company owned by Mr. Wayne has some technologies that Lex would find useful, and...