Kathy and Tyrone help Stasi and former CIA agent, Emmett, escape the KGB. They bring her to Sanctuary, which is run by Colby, where she meets Wayne and Michael. Emmett explains...
While Tyrone is in his astral form, his body is stolen by Seth Cleveland, who demands that Jessup spy on a meeting and report on it to him in order to get his body back. While...
Carrying Proudhawk's body, the teens are pursued by the police and C.I.A. on their way back to Sanctuary. Using their powers, the group are able to elude their pursuers, but...
After the battle with Psi-Hawk, the teens have been brought to the Siberian Project by Rodstvow. Boyd encounters Dehman Doosha, an autistic paranormal child at the Siberian...
Tyrone learns from "the Skipper" that Emmett had mentally “pushed” each of the teens into coming to San Francisco. Wayne leaves but eventually returns due to some form of mental...
Bert Olson, a PI hired by Kathy Ling's parents, brings her back home to Woodland Hills, CA. Psi-Hawk fails to push her back to San Francisco. Wayne pushes her to meet with the...
Derek Shiningstar (in the shadows) gives Thomas Boyd the codename "Stalker" and sends him to capture the five teens. Boyd travels to Sanctuary posing as a runaway. Using his...
Quasar begins his task of identifying all earthbound aliens. He encounters Aquarian and Quantum, and he and Aquarian learn that Aquarian, like Quantum, is a Dakkamite. Quasar...