After Superman has a run-in with the Royal Flush Gang, Clark, Lois and Jimmy are asked by Perry to investigate Metropolis' latest casino owner, Tony Gallo.
Another attack by Kalibak, this time accompanied by Steppenwolf, brings Superman face-to-face with the "Supermen," who are actually Kandorians. After the fight, while having...
The Kandorians reveal the real reason for their trip: half of New Krypton has been claimed as New Apokolips. So Superman, accompanied by Lois Lane, heads to New Krypton. Once...
After helping Superman put down Kalibak, Orion explains that Darkseid acquired the red sun mote to weaken the Kryptonians so he can enslave them. After Superman disrupts the...
Superman recovers Rafi from Granny Goodness with the help of Lois, Mister Miracle, and Big Barda. Then the hero heads off to confront the real villains, but arrives just as...