Make yours the Marvel Gamerverse with this brand-new story continuing the saga of the webslinger from Marvel's Spider-Man! How and why did Peter Parker build the armored...
With Jenny in prison, the Troubleshooters steal back the M.A.X. armor from the police. Ken Connell visits Jenny in prison and learns about the Troubleshooters' plans. She also...
Randy Kellog, aka the Gladiator, a super-dense, super-strong and invulnerable paranormal, is waging a one-man war against the USSR. The Soviets attack him with conventional and...
Commander Rojas has been captured by the Minoan Empire and is being held in stasis on board the Imperial Cruiser Meredith, en route back to the Empire for trial and execution. A...
When a bombing at a Promenade restaurant injuries members of different races, Odo is under pressure to find the perpetrator to prevent a diplomatic incident.
With Kahless and the Red Path in possession of the destructive power of the Crystalline Entities, Worf decides that they need someone who understands the Crystalline Entities...