Kraven the Hunter sets the two Vultures against each other but both of them are defeated by Spider-Man. Peter settles into his new apartment with Harry Osborn, and Gwen and...
Five of Spider-Man's most vicious villains take the spotlight! First, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko introduce the poisonous Scorpion - and young Peter Parker feels the lethal sting...
The Spider-Verse is full of powerful women - and these are some of the most spectacular Spider-Women (and Girls)! Meet Jessica Drew, the first to call herself Spider-Woman!...
Serial killer Cletus Kasady isn't the only one to bond with Venom's sadistic offspring, Carnage! In fact, there's a whole host of hosts - and they're all here! First, Jonah's...
The full story of Eddie Brock's transformation into Venom! Take one symbiotic costume spurned by Spider-Man! Add one disgraced reporter who blames the loss of his career on the...
Make yours the Marvel Gamerverse with this brand-new story continuing the saga of the webslinger from Marvel's Spider-Man! How and why did Peter Parker build the armored...
Jenny appears before Congress in the M.A.X. armor and hands over the disk on Krotze as evidence of his dealings with the Club. Steel Hawk captures Krotze and beats him to death...
Randy Kellog, aka the Gladiator, a super-dense, super-strong and invulnerable paranormal, is waging a one-man war against the USSR. The Soviets attack him with conventional and...
Trying to rescue Luke from the gladiator pit of Grakkus the Hutt isn't going to be easy for Chewie and C-3PO, especially with the unexpected appearance of Denbar the bounty hunter.