Comics, Strana 4
Ellen goes to the city to visit friends and Buddy is left to watch over the kids on a trip to town.
Animal Man, Cliff, Annie and Lucy go to see the band Year Zero who have embraced the church established by Buddy and Maxine. At the farm, more teenagers arrive to join the church.
Aquaman investigates a deep trench with the Sea Devils, until a monster arrives and takes Deep Blue down into it. Aquaman descends, and finds his old foe, Black Manta.
Mera, insane with grief over the loss of her baby, attacks Aquaman. She is apparently killed.
Aquaman returns to Atlantis to find it destroyed by the Spectre and many of his former subjects dead. He leads the survivors to Sub Diego but their assimilation will not be easy.
Aquaman leads his people from the shattered city, and goes to Tritonis, only to discover that Tritonis has been completely destroyed. He and Tempest lead the armies of Atlantis...
Aquaman and the JLA discuss the situation, and the Atlantean armies are tricked into attacking Cerdia. In the confusion, Aquaman and Tempest search for the Cerdian queen, and...
Aquaman and Ocean Master fight, while the JLA tries to stop the Atlantean armies (who are actually being manipulated by Ocean Master) from destroying Cerdia.