Hawkman has been gathering intelligence for Adam Strange about Thanagar's ambitions for war, but Rann is similarly affected by religious fervor. Adam comes to Earth to gather...
In Chinatown, someone is employing a vicious psychopath to cause a tong war between rival Chinese gangs by beheading members of both sides. The Sandman tries to find out why,...
Lieutenant Beryl helps break Steel out of police custody when she realizes that Rosie left a message in her own blood implying that a police officer is involved in the serial...
John Henry takes Natasha to the theater to see Senator Weaver’s cousin, Miles Duncan, perform on stage. After the performance, John Henry, Natasha, and Miles are shocked learn...
After taking on the White Rabbit’s cloning henchman, Worm, an armorless Steel was teleported to the Rabbit’s HQ. She revealed to John Henry her plan to supply America with...
Steel gives information about Colonel Weston and AmerTek to Lieutenant Beryl. Colonel Weston and Amalgam inflame gang tensions and attempt kill Steel by planning an attack by a...