Hawkman has been gathering intelligence for Adam Strange about Thanagar's ambitions for war, but Rann is similarly affected by religious fervor. Adam comes to Earth to gather...
Superman remembers his first Memorial Day in Metropolis. He stops a robot, repairs a bridge, and returns to the Daily Planet. When a comet threatens Metropolis, it's stopped by...
Guy Gardner gets all the Green Lanterns drunk and as a result Kari Limbo discovers Guy no longer loves her. Hal Jordan and Arisia get romantic. John Stewart proposes to Katma...
On Super Bowl Sunday, John Stewart and Katma Tui get married in Detroit. After the couple leave on their honeymoon, the team splits up to take care of personal issues. Star...
Ten years in the future, Helena Wayne is stalked by a mysterious stranger, and later she learns of her father's secret. In 1940, at the first meeting of the Justice Society,...