DC's Year of the Villain Special #1 (DC)
Kód: C1955122

Detailní popis produktu
DC's Year of the Villain Special #1
Doom (Chapter 1)
Shrnutí: Luthor launches his plan to empower all the villains of the world, but his plan requires a sacrifice.
Žánr: superhero;
Hrdinové/Heroes: Legion of Doom [Gorilla Grodd; The Cheetah [Barbara Ann Minerva]; Lex Luthor; Thaal Sinestro; Brainiac]; Amanda Waller; Mercy Graves; Captain Atom [Nathaniel Adam]; Bane; Batman [Thomas Wayne] (Flashpoint Batman); Psycho Pirate [Roger Hayden]; Professor Zoom [Reverse-Flash; Eobard Thawne]; Deathstroke [Slade Wilson]; Robin [Damian Wayne]; Harley Quinn [Harleen Quinzel]; TheBatmanWho Laughs; Dark Robins; Solomon Grundy; Star Sapphire [Carol Ferris]; Heat Wave [Mick Rory]; TheFlash [Barry Allen]; Black Manta; Catwoman [Selina Kyle]; Golden Glider [Lisa Snart]; Papa Midnite; Mirror Master [Sam Scudder]; Mister Freeze [Victor Fries]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Black Adam; Weather Wizard [Marco Mardon]; Wonder Woman [Diana of Themyscira]; Giganta [Doris Zeul]; Riddler [Edward Nygma]; Penguin [Oswald Cobblepot]; White Rabbit [Jaina Hudson]; Talon; Two-Face [Harvey Dent]; Scarecrow [Jonathan Crane]; The Joker; Green Lantern [Salaak]; Ra's Al Ghul; Lobo; Oracle; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Emerald Empress; Captain Cold [Leonard Snart]; Klarion the Witch Boy; Teekl
Vydavatel: DC (2019)
Počet stran: 36
Čárový kód: 761941362922 00111
Script: Scott Snyder (credited)
Pencils: Jim Cheung (credited)
Inks: Jim Cheung (credited)
Colors: Tomeu Morey (credited)
Letters: Tom Napolitano (credited) Editing Marie Javins (credited) (editor); Andrew Marino (credited) (associate editor)
Kvalita komiksu ve vydání 2000+ je FINE až NEAR MINT. U vydání před rokem 2000 je kvalita VERY GOOD až NEAR MINT. Každý komiks je již zabalen v ochranném plastovém obalu s kartonem.
Doplňkové parametry
Kategorie: | Superhero |
Hmotnost: | 0.08 kg |
vydavatel: | DC |
rok vydání: | 2019 |
žánr: | superhero |
hrdinové: | Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Robin, Supergirl, Lobo, Deathstroke, Scarecrow, Oracle, Captain Atom, Black Adam, Black Manta, Solomon Grundy, Riddler, Catwoman, Amanda Waller, The Flash, The Joker, Talon, Weather Wizard, Harley Quinn, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Two-Face, Golden Glider, Thaal Sinestro, Giganta, Papa Midnite, Bane, Teekl, Psycho Pirate, Heat Wave, Penguin, Legion of Doom, White Rabbit, The Cheetah, Ra's Al Ghul, The Batman Who Laughs, Mister Freeze, Emerald Empress, Dark Robins, Mercy Graves, Klarion the Witch Boy, Star Sapphire, Professor Zoom |
comicsová série: | DC's Year of the Villain Special |
script: | Scott Snyder |
pencils: | Jim Cheung |
colors: | Tomeu Morey |
letters: | Tom Napolitano, Andrew Marino |
inks: | Jim Cheung |
počet stran: | 36 |
čárový kód: | 761941362922 00111 |
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