Week thirty-five opens with the aftermath of Luthor's actions, Natasha's suspicions growing, and Steel and Adam coming up with plans for the respective problems.
Week thirty-eight finds Chang Tzu's plans bearing fruit, Montoya finding despair almost at her destination, and Natasha making what may be a costly choice.
Superman battles Captain Comet, who has come to take Lois's niece Susie away. The origin of Captain Comet is retold. Superman uses his powers to save Lois from her injuries in...
Superman from five years in the future and the adult Legion of Super-Heroes arrive in the early days of Superman's career to recover the kryptonite stolen from the spaceship...
Superman's back! Now Lois and Clark need to figure out how to bring Clark back from the dead, and they may have found a way to do it with the help of Bibbo's dog... Krypto.
Shadowdragon infiltrates one of Conduit's bases and infects his computer system while Superman starts his new life. But when an emergency exposes Superman again, Conduit...
Superman's search for Lois is interrupted by the return of the Prankster and the arrival of a new villain calling himself Adversary. But Superman's biggest problem might be his...