Fantastic Four #9 (Marvel)
Kód: C62182

Detailní popis produktu
Fantastic Four #9
A Day in the Life
Shrnutí: Neal Conan and Manoli Wetherell, from NPR-TV, interview the Fantastic Four. Johnny, Caledonia (a former slave Johnny rescued in the Core Continuum), Spider-Man, and Kraven the Hunter hunt for a creature in Four Freedoms Plaza, and find a puppy for Franklin.
Žánr: superhero;
Hrdinové/Heroes: Fantastic Four [Mr. Fantastic [Reed Richards]; Human Torch [JohnnyStorm]; The Thing [Ben Grimm]; Invisible Woman [SueStormRichards] ]; Franklin Richards (cameo); Alyssa Moy (cameo); Caledonia (intro, origin, cameo) [Alysande Stuart]; Puppy (intro, cameo); Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Kraven the Hunter; Guladkin; Stan Lee; NealConan(cameo); Manoli Wetherell (cameo); Kay Cera (cameo)
Vydavatel: Marvel (1998)
Počet stran: 38
Čárový kód: 759606044566 00911
Script: Chris Claremont
Pencils: Salvador Larroca
Inks: Art Thibert
Colors: Liquid!
Letters: Comicraft; Albert Deschesne (credited as AD); Richard Starkings (credited as RS)
Kvalita komiksu ve vydání 2000+ je FINE až NEAR MINT. U vydání před rokem 2000 je kvalita VERY GOOD až NEAR MINT. Každý komiks je již zabalen v ochranném plastovém obalu s kartonem.
Doplňkové parametry
Kategorie: | Superhero |
Hmotnost: | 0.08 kg |
vydavatel: | Marvel |
rok vydání: | 1998 |
žánr: | superhero |
hrdinové: | Spider-Man, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Fantastic Four, Kraven the Hunter, Franklin Richards, Alyssa Moy, Caledonia, Puppy, Guladkin, Stan Lee, Neal Conan, Manoli Wetherell, Kay Cera |
comicsová série: | Fantastic Four |
pencils: | Salvador Larroca |
colors: | Liquid! |
letters: | Comicraft, Richard Starkings, Albert Deschesne |
inks: | Art Thibert |
autor/script: | Chris Claremont |
počet stran: | 38 |
čárový kód: | 759606044566 00911 |
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