
Week fifty closes out Black Adam's war with the world and reveals Red Tornado's secret to Morrow.

Pied Piper comes to terms with Trickster's death, than realizes their manacles will explode in 24 hours, Desaad and Granny Goodness discuss The Great Disaster, Holly and Harley...

The Atomic Knights try to keep Karate Kid and his crew out of Bludhaven, Darkseid puts his mark on Jimmy Olsen and Desaad joins Jason Rusch and Gehenna in the Firestorm matrix.

The heroes find out they weren't transported back to New Earth. Jimmy takes them to this Earth's Cadmus, but it may be too late for Karate Kid.

Darkseid and Solomon the Monitor continue their cosmic chess match, putting their final pieces in motion. Solomon sends all the heroes back to Earth, including the infected...

The details of J'onn's death from FINAL CRISIS #1 are expanded on and his friends gather for his funeral on Mars.

Though worshipers sacrifice themselves for Darkseid, he fails to stir, so his servants declare that the New God needs more sacrifices. Elsewhere, the Legion investigates another...

Firestorm joins the Company, Power is still in a coma, and Witchfire and Striker Z are attacked in the swamps of Louisiana.