The second book in Philippa's trilogy, The Cousins War, brings to life the story of Margaret Beaufort, a shadowy and mysterious character in the first book of the series - The...
When seventeen-year old Phoebe Turner visits Wilton´s Music Hall to watch her Aunt Cissy performing on stage, she risks the wrath of her mother Maud who marches with the...
In the golden city of Famagusta, Greek and Turkish cypriots alike enjoy a life of good fortune. Invasion comes without warning, bringing chaos and terror. As forty thousand...
Why would a woman marry a serial killer? Because she cannot refuse ...
Kateryn Parr has no choice when Henry VIII – a man who has buried four wives - commands her to marry...
Napoleon is poised to invade England, with only Nelson's weather-beaten ships in his way, but the French fleet are not the only threat to the fortunes of the Morland family. In...
Set in 19th century France, it involves a man, his vineyard and angelic husbandry. Burgundy, 1808. One night Sobran Jodeau, a young vintner, meets an angel in his vineyard: a...
When Ella Turner moves with her husband to Lisle-sur-Tarn, a small town in southwestern France, she hopes to qualify to practice as a midwife as well as to start a family of her...
Internationally bestselling author Philippa Gregory brings the tumult and intrigue of The Wars of the Roses to vivid life through the women of the House of Lancaster and the...
In 1851, life is anything but tranquil for the Morlands, Fenwick, a distant American cousin, calls unexpectedly at Morland Place, only to fall in love with Mary and create an...
THE YEAR IS 1793, STOCKHOLM. King Gustav of Sweden has been assassinated, years of foreign wars have emptied the treasuries, and the realm is governed by a self-interested...
The lives of teenage twins Maisy and Duncan change for ever the night their sick mother is taken to an asylum. Sent to live in the New Forest with their cold-hearted...
It is 1648 and the country is in the grip of a bloody civil war. The king is in exile and the people have learnt to keep their allegiances secret. In the tidelands of Sussex,...