As Spider-Man realizes that Robyn Hood is actually a robot that could explode at any minute, Captain Marvel is dealing with the bank that funded Robyn's creation and wants her...
Captain Justice comes to realize that he is a fictional character living in a fictional world, and crosses over to the real world to confront his creator, artist Abner Bevis,...
In the real world, Captain Justice helps Woody and Abner with their troubles and in doing so ensures the survival of his own world through Abner's revitalized creativity.
Randy finds out that Charlotte is romantically interested in him. While he is attracted to her, Randy admits he is unwilling to enter into a long-term interracial relationship....
Deadpool has a lot of unfinished business in his inbox, and he's determined to take care of it before...any sort of bad and permanentish thing happens to him. Revenge on Stevil...
Pulled from their home realities mere instants before their deaths, a new band of Exiles is formed and sent out by Morph to start saving worlds. For their first mission, the...