Tenderwire tells the story of a reckless young musician's obsession with what she suspects may be a hitherto undiscovered violin created by one of the old Italian masters. Eva...
Glen Garber's life has just spiralled out of control. His wife's car has been found at the scene of a drink-driving accident that took three lives. Not only is she dead, but it...
The Bellwether Revivals opens and closes with bodies. The story of whose bodies and how they come to be spread about an elegant house on the river near Cambridge is told by...
In the depths of a nineteenth-century winter, a little girl is
abandoned in the narrow streets of London. Adopted by a mysterious stranger, she becomes in turn a thief, a...
Withdrawn, uneducated and unloved, Frederick collects butterflies and takes photographs. He is obsessed with a beautiful stranger, the art student Miranda. When he wins the...
"The Complaints" - they´re the cops who investigate other cops. Malcolm Fox works in the Complaints and Conduct department, so he´s not a popular man. He´s just had a result,...
Harvard professor Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call while on business in Paris: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been brutally murdered inside the...
While in Paris on business, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon receives an urgent late-night phone call: the elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum....
1790. France is aflame in revolution. In the ancient fortress walls of her abbey, a young nun called Mireille discovers a mystical chess set that has been buried there for a...
As teenagers, Poppy Carlisle and Serena Gorringe were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate, the two seemingly glamorous teens were dubbed 'The Ice...
Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned unexpectedly to deliver an evening lecture in the U.S. Capitol Building. Within minutes of his arrival, however, the night takes a...
Naomi Carson is a survivor.
As a child, her family was torn apart by a shocking crime. It could have destroyed her, but Naomi has grown up strong, with a passion for...