The story revolves around the comings and goings at No. 44 Scotland Street, a fictitious building in a real street in Edinburgh. Immediately recognisable are the Edinburgh...
Stories are like Russian dolls; open them up, and in each one you'll find another story.
Come to the house where it is Christmas all year round; meet the ghost who lives on a...
There are already three people in artist Imogen Cameron's marriage -- herself, her husband, Alex, and their son, Rufus -- and that's just the way she likes it. But all that's...
When Natalie Moore is killed in a freak accident in France her mother - the very poised and elegant Jessica - knows instinctively there is more to it.However, Natalie's father -...
For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer's pretty simple: he has, in his own words, 'pissed his life away'. And on New Year's Eve he's going to end it all . . . but...
Meet Martin, JJ, Jess, and Maureen. Four people who come together on New Year's Eve: a former TV talk show host, a musician, a teenage girl, and a mother. Three are British, one...
Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block? For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer's pretty simple: he has, in his own words, 'pissed his life...
Tom Knelston is charismatic, working class and driven by ambition, ideals and passion. He is a man to watch. His wife Alice shares his vision. It seems they are the perfect...
This is the story of Polish war exile Julia Smollen who has escaped the horrors of Nazi labour camp to forge a new life in California with her daughter, Natasha.
It´s an...
At fifty-seven, George is settling down to a comfortable retirement, building a shed in his garden, reading historical novels, listening to a bit of light jazz. Then/Katie, his...
Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry the troubled and bitter Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing...
Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry the troubled and bitter Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing...