To the outside world, they seem to have it all. Cassie Barrett, a renowned anthropologist, and Alex Rivers, one of Hollywood's hottest actors, met on the set of a motion picture...
The discovery of a dead infant in an Amish barn shakes Lancaster County to its core. But the police investigation leads to a more shocking disclosure: circumstantial evidence...
Jack St. Bride was once a beloved teacher at a private girls' school - until a student's crush sparked a powder keg of accusation and robbed him of his career and reputation....
From the moment Ross's fiancée Aimee was killed in a car accident, he's been trying to die too. But life won't let him go. His only hope now is that Aimee will come to him.
After Zoe Baxter loses her baby, the only way she can find of coping is to try again. But her husband Max disagrees - more than that, he wants a divorce. When they separate,...
The best books make you see differently. This is one of them. The eye-opening new novel from Jodi Picoult, with the biggest of themes: birth, death, and responsibility.
The first time Jane Jones tried to leave her husband. her daughter almost got killed. This time, she's going to do it right.
Jane escaped a childhood of abuse into the refuge...
For eighteen years the Hartes and the Golds have lived next door to each other, sharing everything from Chinese food to chicken pox to carpool duty - they´ve grown so close it...
There is more than one way to lose a child.
Daniel Stone had thought it would never happen to him. How could it, when Trixie's face lit up every time she saw him, when for her...
Delia Hopkins has led a charmed life. Raised in rural New Hampshire by her widowed father, Andrew, she now has a young daughter, a handsome fiancé, and a job she loves, finding...