STRIP JACK MP Gregor Jack is caught in an Edinburgh brothel with a prostitute only too keen to show off her considerable assets. Initially, Detective Inspector Rebus is...
"The Complaints" - they´re the cops who investigate other cops. Malcolm Fox works in the Complaints and Conduct department, so he´s not a popular man. He´s just had a result,...
Nobody likes The Complaints--they're the cops who investigate other cops. It's a department known within the force as "The Dark Side," and it's where Malcolm Fox...
Mary Miller is an outcast, believed by some to have occult powers, and is the mother of a bastard son, Sandy. Mary finds herself caught up in a faltering affair with a local...
DI John Rebus is on the paper trail of a WWII war criminal... Until the running battle between two rival gangs on the city streets arrives at his door. A Chechen gangster is...
A call from an old friend brings back memories and more than a little guilt for DI John Rebus. Suddenly it seems Edinburgh's streets are crowded with the lost and forgotten....
Witch Hunt
Witch is a notorious, brilliant and silent assassin. For years, Interpol have tried, and failed, to find her. But now Scotland Yard, MI5 and Witch obsessive Dominic...