Five years after the battle of Waterloo, Sharpe's peaceful retirement in Normandy is shattered by a plea for help. An old friend, Don Blas Vivar, is missing in Chile, reported...
Newly promoted, Major Richard Sharpe leads his small force into the biting cold of the winter mountains. His task is to rescue a group of well-born women held hostage by a...
It is December 1803, and Richard Sharpe is now an officer in Sir Arthur Wellesley's army which is seeking to end the Mahratta War. Relegated to a tedious job in the baggage...
It is December 1803, and Richard Sharpe is now an officer in Sir Arthur Wellesley's army which is seeking to end the Mahratta War. Relegated to a tedious job in the baggage...
In the winter of I81I, the war seems lost. Spain has fallen to the French, except for Cadiz, now the Spanish capital and itself under siege. Inside the city walls an intricate...
It is 1809 and Lieutenant Sharpe, who belongs to a small British army that has a precarious foothold in Portugal, is sent to look for Kate Savage, the daughter of an English...
It is 1807 and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe, newly returned to England, now wants to leave the army.
One last job is offered to him. Go to Copenhagen, help the Honourable John...
It is 1807 and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe, newly returned to England, now wants to leave the army.
One last job is offered to him. Go to Copenhagen, help the Honourable John...
Meet Richard Sharpe, a great British bero.
It is 1807 and Lieutenant Richard Sharpe, newly returned to England, is offered a new job: go to Copenhagen, help deliver a bribe,...
It is 1814. After a long and exhausting series of battles the British and Spanish armies are pushing into south-wewtern France from Spain. Rumours abound that Napoleon has...
It is the bitter winter of 1809. Britain's forces are retreating towards Corunna, with Napoleon's victorious
armies in pursuit. Lieutenant Richard Sharpe and a detachment of...
The invasion of France is under way, and the British Navy has called upon the services of Major Richard Sharpe. He and a small force of Riflemen are to capture a fortress and...