
Mera, insane with grief over the loss of her baby, attacks Aquaman. She is apparently killed.

After the humiliating defeat at the hands of Supreme, Chapel is commissioned to lead the undead team. Cabbot and the rest of the team are not too thrilled about the command...

Ted sends Jaime on another mission, this time to find out who attacked the Posse.

We find out where Ray Palmer has been since the end of IDENTITY CRISIS and Mary Marvel battles Eclipso.

Pied Piper drags the Trickster's body through the desert, Holly and Harley meet the mysterious cave resident, Bernadeth meets the New Gods killer, and Jimmy and Forager escape...

Pied Piper comes to terms with Trickster's death, than realizes their manacles will explode in 24 hours, Desaad and Granny Goodness discuss The Great Disaster, Holly and Harley...

The Atomic Knights try to keep Karate Kid and his crew out of Bludhaven, Darkseid puts his mark on Jimmy Olsen and Desaad joins Jason Rusch and Gehenna in the Firestorm matrix.

The heroes find out they weren't transported back to New Earth. Jimmy takes them to this Earth's Cadmus, but it may be too late for Karate Kid.

Darkseid and Solomon the Monitor continue their cosmic chess match, putting their final pieces in motion. Solomon sends all the heroes back to Earth, including the infected...

It is Warsaw 1941 - The people call for a Hero to save them... and the first Ragman emerges to battle an evil he cannot defeat...