
Magneto rules the world and mutants are the norm. Steve Rogers is an old man, never having been frozen in ice. Scott and Emma are a happy couple. Alison is a talk show host and...

Venom is rejected by the underground dwellers he helped out. Spider-Man goes to Eddie's father for answers about his son. The Jury comes after Venom for killing its leader's son.

Week twenty finds Supernova visiting the Batcave. Steel receives further news about Luthor's synthetic super-hero program. And Adam's crew draw the wrath of Ekron.

Week twenty-five Mannheim lays out his plans for Gotham, Sabbac runs afoul of five Marvels, Ralph is shown the high price of magic, strings gather for Checkmate, and Oolong...

Week twenty-six sees the Black Marvel Family breaking bread with the Sivana Family while Venus asks for help, Oolong Island sees a new arrival, and Osiris finds a friend.

Week twenty-seven finds Ralph approaching the Spectre for a boon, Waverider getting caught between Rip Hunter and Skeets, and Montoya getting revelations about Charlie and Gotham.

Week twenty-eight finds Montoya and the Question returning to Gotham with a warning, Red Tornado almost making a recovery, and Adam and crew making an unsettling discovery about...

Week thirty finds Batman, Nightwing and Robin in North Africa; Batman retracing his training; and Nightwing and Robin finding a connection to current events in Gotham. The...