
Eradicator needs help with some gunrunners and recruits Halo and Looker to aid him. At the gunrunners home, they find Wylde caged and about to be hunted. They free him then find...

Branded a traitor of Markovia, Geo-Force recruits the aid of Technocrat, Wylde, and Faust, to take down Roderick, the Vampire Lord who stole his country.

Superman comes asking Eradicator about a body in his tomb -- and not very nicely, either. Then, as the Outsiders get a new headquarters, the Aurakles return to bring Halo back...

It's Katana vs. Lady Shiva, who has been hired by Master Tadashi to steal Soultaker, Katana's blade.

Felix Faust attacks both sets of Outsiders -- now living on opposite coasts-- during the New Year's Eve celebration.