Superhero, Strana 22

Gen 13's jeep runs out of gas and they walk to an outlet mall. Freefall decides to steal them some snacks and they have to flee two local cops. "The Authority" confront Gen 13...

Banshee is taking the kids on a little road trip when they land right in the middle of Fenris' latest terrorist plot to kill people and make money.

Jubilee and Chamber are in an alternate dimension looking for Synch while being guided by Elwood. Banshee, Husk and Penance are in another spot of the same dimension for the...

Adrienne sets her sights once again on revenge against her sister, Emma. When Skin steps in to help a boy being bullied in the lunchroom, he is reprimanded by Sean and Emma for...

Spider-Man and Father Martin, Blaze accidentally grazes Venom with his hellfire gun, almost killing him. Blaze, Ghost Rider and Venom go after Deathwatch's body when it is taken...

Steel Vengeance (Steel Wind's sister) attacks John Blaze while the Ghost Rider appears to be in a coma. With the help of the members of the Quentin Carnival she is defeated....