In this delightful fictionalized memoir set in the Yorkshire Dales, Max Hardcastle continues the tales of Ted, Canary Mary, Fiery Frank and Baz. This is a rich interweaving of...
THE MISSING Two schoolgirls are abducted in the small, dying Warwickshire town of Polesford, driving a knife into the heart of the community where police...
Can the mysteries of the human heart ever be unravelled?
Pursuing a scientific explanation for a disturbing and unexplained phenomenon, Jeremy's sceptical nature is thrown...
Luke Dantry tells people he has a job on the cutting edge of the war on terror - only he knows it's nowhere near as adrenaline-filled as he makes it sound. Luke's nightly task...
Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a...
Sometimes the end is just the beginning...
Russell Green has it all: a loving family, a successful career and a beautiful house. But underneath his seemingly perfect world,...
Over thirty years ago, on an ultra-secret flight to the South Pacific, the transport plane Vixen 03 vanished. Believed lost at sea. And carrying canisters of the most lethal...