Superman #667 (DC)

Kód: C374581
Značka: DC
99 Kč
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Superman has been trying to track Arion, with the help of Zatanna and the Phantom Stranger. Arion keeps creating minor disasters as a warning, which Superman stops. Subjekt-17 tracks down Superman, and makes him choose between helping Subjekt-17, or standing for his torturers. Superman wants to do both, but Subjekt-17 treats that as a rejection of him, and attacks. Superman defeats him, and Subjekt-17 reveals where Arion is, but he teleports away. Superman goes to Arion, but instead of attacking directly as Arion had figured, he causes a whirlpool, and lets the ocean’s weight crush the city.

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Superman #667

Tide and Torrent

Shrnutí: Superman has been trying to track Arion, with the help of Zatanna and the Phantom Stranger. Arion keeps creating minor disasters as a warning, which Superman stops. Subjekt-17 tracks down Superman, and makes him choose between helping Subjekt-17, or standing for his torturers. Superman wants to do both, but Subjekt-17 treats that as a rejection of him, and attacks. Superman defeats him, and Subjekt-17 reveals where Arion is, but he teleports away. Superman goes to Arion, but instead of attacking directly as Arion had figured, he causes a whirlpool, and lets the ocean’s weight crush the city.

Žánr: superhero;

Hrdinové/Heroes: Arion [Ahri'ahn]; Lois Lane (cameo); Lana Lang; Jimmy Olsen(cameo); The Phantom Stranger; Superman [Clark Kent]; Perry White (cameo); Zatanna; Subjekt-17; Dr. Sliney (cameo); Gerald (cameo)

Vydavatel: DC (2007)

Počet stran: 36

Čárový kód: 761941200033 66711

Script: Kurt Busiek (credited)

Pencils: Carlos Pacheco (credited); Jesús Merino (credited)

Inks: Jesús Merino (credited)

Colors: Alex Sinclair (credited)

Letters: Comicraft (credited)

Kvalita komiksu ve vydání 2000+ je FINE až NEAR MINT. U vydání před rokem 2000 je kvalita VERY GOOD až NEAR MINT. Každý komiks je již zabalen v ochranném plastovém obalu s kartonem.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Superman
Hmotnost: 0.08 kg
vydavatel: DC
rok vydání: 2007
žánr: superhero
hrdinové: Superman, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Zatanna, Lana Lang, The Phantom Stranger, Arion, Subjekt-17, Dr. Sliney, Gerald
comicsová série: Superman
script: Kurt Busiek
pencils: Carlos Pacheco, Jesús Merino
colors: Alex Sinclair
letters: Comicraft
inks: Jesús Merino
počet stran: 36
čárový kód: 761941200033 66711
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